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Preface - The Origins of the Hinz Family
The known roots of the Hinz family are located in the area known as Pomerania. The name Pomerania comes from the Slavic "po more," which means Land at the Sea. The history of Pomerania, dates back more than 10,000 years. Settlement in the area started about 13,000 years ago, near the end of the Vistula Glacial Stage. Archeological traces have been found of various cultures from the Stone and Bronze Age, of Veneti and Germanic peoples during the Iron Age and, in the Middle Ages, of Slavic tribes and Vikings. Starting in the 10th century, Piast Poland, on several occasions, acquired parts of the region from the southeast, while the Holy Roman Empire and Denmark augmented their territory from the west and north. [1] This area was a province of the Kingdom of Prussia [2] from 1701 until 1819 and the Free State of Prussia [3] from 1819 until 1945. Afterwards the region became part of Allied-occupied Germany and, eventually, present-day Poland.

Kreis Rummelsburg overlaid on a map of present day Poland [4]
The earliest known information regarding the Hinz family originates at Wohnort Sagemühl (residence), Gemeinde Poberow (community), Kreis Rummelsburg (county), Pommern, Kingdom of Prussia. This Wohnort is located 4.6 km and 108 degrees from the village of Treblin, which is known today as Trzebielino. [5] Poberow was one of the oldest possessions of the Puttkamer family, who comprised the majority of landowners in the area around Barnow. In the Muster roll taken in 1523, Markus Puttkamer was called in Poberow. The first recorded land owner in Poberow was Mark Puttkamer, whose eldest son Joachim in the Lehnsbrief of 1575 stands alone. A younger son, Markus, died without heirs. [6]
Friedrich Hinz was married to Christine Charlotte Maschke probably between 1830 and 1844. The elder Friedrich was born around 1806. He died in 1879 before his wife and family are listed in the steamship passenger rolls as immigrating to Sauk County, Wisconsin, USA. Charlotte was born on February 23, 1813 in Treten, Rummelsburg, Pomerania. Together, Charlotte and Friedrich raised Friedrich, Wilhelmina, Julius and August Hinz. These are the known members of the family as of this writing. Research is underway to find official church records (KirchenBuchen) from the Pommern region that may give a clearer picture of the makeup of the Hinz family in Poberow. It is believed the family was affiliated with the Lutheran Parish at Zettin (now called Cetyn) which was in a neighboring village to the north of Poberow. [7] The village of Zettin was an old Puttkamer shearing possession. Albert Puttkamer already called it Zettin in the history of the Puttkamer Family in 1380. Zettin was a second center of the Puttkamer possessions and included Zettin, Poberow, Treblin and later shares in the newly established heath villages and outlying estates. [8]
0 Friedrich Hinz: ~1806- 1879
+Christine Charlotte Maschke: 23 Feb 1813 - Mar 1889
1 Friedrich August Hinz: 1844 - 1912
+Wilhelmina C. Burzlaff: 1851 - 1930
1 Wilhelmina Hinz: 1848 - 1920
+Edward C. Gast: 1843 - 1916
1 Julius Hintz: 1852 - 1932
+Adeline Lena Herritz: 1855 - 1929
1 August R. Hinz: 1856 - 1933
+Ernestine Herritz: 1862 - 1897
Generation (0) - Friedrich Hinz
Friedrich Hinz was born around 1806 in Versin, Kreis Rummelsburg, Pomerania (now known as Wierszyno, in Butow County, Poland). He was the son of a day laborer. After marrying Christine Charlotte Maschke he lived in Powberow, Kreis Rummelsburg, Pomerania. He is the father and common ancestor of the Hinz/Hintz families contained on this website. It is believed he was a common laborer within his community in Pomerania. Frederick Hinz died in 1879 with his son Julius reporting the death. He is listed as the father of the groom in the marriage of August G. R. Hinz and Augusta W. Bulow on March 25, 1899 in Sauk County, Wisconsin. He is also listed as father on Fred A. Hinz's death certificate in 1912 in St. Joseph, Michigan. [9]
Generation (0) - Christine Charlotte Maschke
Christine Charlotte Maschke was born on February 23, 1813 in Treten, Kreis Rummelsburg, Pommern. She was the wife of the elder Friedrich Hinz (patriarch of the Hinz family), as well as the mother of Friedrich August, Wilhelmina Caroline, Julius, and August R. Hinz. She is listed in the steamship passenger manifests as having immigrated to Wisconsin with her two youngest sons, Julius and August in 1882. Her name appears third from the bottom of the page that contains the family of Julius Hintz. According to church records, Charlotte died on March 16, 1889 and was buried on March 19. Although no marker has been located, church records indicate she was probably buried in the cemetery at the Zion Lutheran Stone Church in Westfield Township, Sauk County, Wisconsin. Charlotte is listed as the mother of the groom in the marriage of August G. R. Hinz and Augusta W. Buelow on March 25, 1899 in Sauk County, Wisconsin. She is also listed as the mother of Fred A. Hinz on his death certificate in 1912. [10]

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NOTE - This compilation of family history is an ongoing endeavor. If you have verifiable corrections to any mistakes or omissions in my findings, or information you wish to share, please contact me at the email address provided below.
E-mail me at: roger [at] rogerhintz [dot] com
Copyright © 2011- Roger I. Hintz. All rights reserved. |
This page was created on Saturday, December 03, 2011.
Most recent revision: Wednesday, January 01, 2025 12:01 AM EST.