* * * * *
Chapter 1: The Family of Fredrick and Wilhelmine (Burtzloff) Hinz
1 Fredrick August Hinz (Generation 1)
1 Fredrick August Hinz: 25 May 1844 - 1 Dec 1912*
+Wilhelmine C. Burtzloff: 12 Nov 1850 - 29 Mar 1930*
2 Herman J. Hinz: 1870 - 1946*
2 Emma Hinz: 1872 – 1942*
2 Theodor F. Franz Hinz: 1875 - 1879 (died and buried in Germany)
2 Gustave Hinz: 1877 - 1937*
2 Emil Hinz: 1881 – 1896*
2 Charles P Hinz: 1882 - 1978
2 Anna H. Hinz: 1884 - 1977
2 Otto Herman Hinz: 1886 - 1971
2 William A. Hinz: 1887 - 1967
2 Carrie M. Hinz: 1890 - 1953
2 Frederick W. Hinz: 1892 - 1960
*Immigrated from Germany in 1881 |

Steam Ship City of Montreal |
Fredrick August Hinz was born on May 25, 1844 to Fred and Charlotte (Maschke) Hinz in the Pommern Province of northeast Germany. That region is now a part of Poland. Fred had a sister, Wilhelmina, and two younger brothers, Julius and August. By the time he was twenty years of age, Fred was serving in the German Army. He served in the regiment with Paul von Hindenburg, who later became a General and was to even later become the first elected President of Germany. Fred was a veteran of three wars, serving in the war with Denmark in 1864, with Austria in 1866 and with France in 1876. At that time Germany was under the reign of King (Emperor) Wilhelm I.
On April 2, 1869, Fred married Miss Wilhelmine C. Burzlaff in Germany. Wilhelmina was the only child of Johann and Henriette Burzlaff. Wilhelmine gave birth to Frank, Herman, Emma, Gustave, and Emil Hinz in Germany. In the fall of 1881 Fred Hinz' family left their home in Poberow, Kreis Rummelsburg, Pommern and immigrated to America. While most immigrants coming in those days were making the voyage on sailing ships, the Hinz family made the trip by steamship. They departed Hamburg, Germany on October 21, 1881 for Hartlepool, a harbor town on the east coast of the British Isles aboard the S/S Kaiser under Captain Bulman. After transferring to Liverpool, on the West coast of England, they boarded the S/S City of Montreal and crossed the Atlantic Ocean. This ship, captained by Francis S. Land, docked in New York City on November 7, 1881.
Along with Fred and Wilhelmine were their four eldest children, Herman, Emma, Emil, and Gustav. Another son named Frank had been born in Germany as well, but died at a young age and was buried in Germany before the family left. Also traveling with the Hinzs were John and Henriette Burzlaff, Wilhelmina’s parents, as well as a couple of friends of the family, Charles (age 17) and Bertha Kerlikowske (age 7).
Once in America, they made their way to St. Joseph, Michigan to establish a new home. Fred's sister, Wilhelmina, was married to Edward G. Gast and would also make her home in this area less than a year later. Fred's two brothers, Julius Hinz and August Hinz were to follow at a later date and make their respective homes in the Baraboo, Wisconsin area. Upon arriving in St. Joseph, the Hinzs lived with a family by the name of Rahn. Later they rented a house on Wayne St., living there for about a year. Charles was born in this house. The Hinz family then purchased a house at 800 Court Street and five of the children; Anna, Otto, William, Carrie and Frederick, were born there.
Fred Hinz was a charter member of St. Peter's Evangelical Church in Saint Joseph. Being a carpenter, he helped build the church's first house of worship in 1882. He was an active member of the church for the rest of his life and held the offices of Elder and Trustee for several years. Fred was also a member of the Knights of the Maccabees. The Knights of the Maccabees was a fraternal organization formed in 1878 in London, Ontario, Canada. A related but separate organization, "Maccabees of the World", was also established, the two merging under the title "The Knights of the Maccabees of the World" (KOTMOTW), later shortened to “The Maccabees” in 1914. Most active in the U.S. state of Michigan, the group's fraternal aspects took a backseat to providing low-cost insurance to members. In the society's early years it also provided other final-expense related benefits such as society cemeteries. The Knights of the Maccabees had a membership of 209,831 in 1896.
Gradually failing in health since November 1, Fredrick A. Hinz died at 4:00 Sunday morning on December 1, 1912 in his home on Court Street. He had been suffering with heart trouble for several months. At the time of his death, he was survived by his widow, nine children (Herman, Mrs. Phillip Warman of Coloma, Gustav of Niles, Carrie, Otto, Wilhelm, Frederick, Anna, and Carrie), two brothers, Julius Hinz and August Hinz of North Freedom, Wisconsin, and one sister, Mrs. Wilhelmina (Edward) Gast of St. Joseph, Michigan. Fred was buried in St. Joseph City (Lakeview) Cemetery. [1]
Wilhelmine C. Burtzloff – wife of Fredrick A. Hinz
Wilhelmenia C. Burtzloff was born to Johann and Henriette (Lohraff) Burtzloff on November 12, 1850 in Germany. Like the Hinz family name, the Burtzloff surname appears to have changed as its families moved from Europe to America. Possible alternate spellings include, Burzloff, Burzlaff, and Burtzlaff. After immigrating to Michigan in 1881, Wilhelmine (also known as “Minnie”) was very active within the community. Minnie was a noted charter member of the Zion Evangelical Church when it split from St. Peter's Evangelical Church in 1920 and she helped form the Ladies Aid Society in St. Joseph, Michigan. She lost her mother in 1889 and her father in 1892.
After Fred's death in 1912, Wilhelmine lived in the house on Court Street with her daughter Anna until she died suddenly of a brain hemorrhage on Saturday, March 30, 1930. Funeral services were held on Tuesday at the Court Street home, for family members, and at the church. Friends and relatives at the church service filled the house of worship. The Rev. F. C. Schmidt, Zion church pastor, conducted both rites. Wilhelmine was buried next to her husband, Fred, in St. Joseph City (Lakeview) Cemetery. Her six surviving sons, Herman, Charles, Otto, Will, Fred, and Gustav Hinz, served as casket bearers. [2]
1.1 Herman J. Hinz (Generation 2)
1 Fredrick August Hinz: 1844 - 1912
+Wilhelmine C. Burzloff: 1850 - 1930
2 Herman J. Hinz: 2 Feb 1870 - 15 Jun 1946
+Bertha J. Radewald: 9 Jun 1871 - 18 Feb 1945
Herman J. Hinz was born to Fred and Minnie Hinz in Germany in 1870. He married Bertha Radewald on 21 July 1891 in Michigan. The 1910 U.S. Census lists his occupation as a “Woodworker in mill.” Herman went on to become a vice-president of the St. Joseph Machine Company for several years and was employed by the firm for a total of twenty-two years. He retired four years before his death. He was also a charter member of the Zion Evangelical Church of St. Joseph, serving on the first building committee in 1920. He held the office of president of the church and also belonged to the church brotherhood. St. Joseph fraternal organizations to which he belonged included the Elks, Masons and Maccabees.
Herman lived for twenty-five years at 113 Wayne Street in St. Joseph, but after the death of his wife, in 1945, he resided with his sister Anna and his brother William in his childhood home at 800 Court Street. Herman died on June 15, 1946 at age 76. After a largely attended funeral, officiated by the Reverend Edwin A. Irion at Zion Evangelical Church, Herman was laid to rest in Riverview Cemetery with his wife, Bertha. [3] |
 Herman J. Hinz |
Bertha J. Radewald – wife of Herman Hinz
Mrs. Bertha (Herman) Hinz was a well-known, lifelong resident of Berrien County. She was born to Fred and Johanna (Pacholke) Radewald on June 9, 1871 in Fairland, a village near Niles, Michigan. The Pacholke surname was also the maiden name of the mother of Johann Burtzloff. After uniting with Herman Hinz, Bertha resided in St. Joseph for her remaining years in her home at 113 Wayne Street in St. Joseph. She was a charter member of the Zion Evangelical Church and a prominent member of The Ladies Guild of the church.
Bertha passed away around 3:00 p.m. at her home on February 18, 1945. Last rites were conducted on February 21 at the Zion Evangelical Church in St. Joseph and the ceremony was officiated by the Rev. Edwin A. Irion. Casket bearers were; Charles, Otto, William, and Fred Hinz, Otto Gommel, and Edwin Radewald. Bertha was buried in Riverview Cemetery in St. Joseph. Herman and Bertha had no children. [4]
1.2 Emma Hinz (Generation 2)
1 Fredrick August Hinz: 1844 - 1912
+Wilhelmine C. Burzloff: 1850 - 1930
2 Emma Hinz: 27 Nov 1872 - 15 Dec 1942
+Phillip Warman: 4 Mar 1854 - 25 May 1936
3 Lydia Warman: 1895 - 1948
3 Henry F. Warman: 1899 - 1961
3 Herbert Phillip Warman: 1901 - 1967
3 Inger Warman: 1916 - 2011
Born on November 27, 1871 in Germany, Emma Hinz was about ten years old when she made the steamship voyage to America with her family. She married Phillip Warman in 1894 in the church her father helped to build. Phillip was a farmer and the two made their home on his farm in Coloma, Michigan. The couple had two daughters, Lydia and Inger, and two sons, Henry and Herbert. She also helped raise the six children from her husband's previous marriage.
After the death of her husband in 1936, Emma Warman lived with her daughter, Inger Richcreek, and in her childhood home at 800 Court Street in St. Joseph with her sister, Anna. She died on December 15, 1942 at 9:30 p.m. after an illness that lasted four years. She had been confined to bed for the last ten weeks of her life. Funeral services were held at the Kerlikowske Funeral Home with the Rev. Edwin A. Irion from Zion Evangelical Church officiating. Casket bearers were nephews; Rowley, Ernest, Lloyd, Charles, and Gordon Warman, and Herbert Watts. Burial was in Riverview Cemetery. [5]
Phillip Warman – husband of Emma Hinz
Phillip Warman was born in Rochester, New York on March 4, 1854 to Fred and Sophrona (Schraeder) Warman. On March 2, 1878, Phillip married Margaret Kneibus in Bainbridge, Michigan. The 1880 U. S. Census shows Phillip, a farmer, living in Watervliet, Michigan with his wife and their infant daughter, Minnie. In addition to Minnie, Phillip and Margaret would have five sons; Raleigh, Riley, Rob, Roy, and Ernest. Margaret died in 1892 and was buried in the Coloma cemetery. |
 Emma Hinz Warman - Coloma, MI, circa 1941 (with Herbert Warman, Jr.) |
In 1894, Phillip married Emma Hinz in St. Peter's church in St. Joseph, Michigan. The 1900 Census has Phillip living in Watervliet with his second wife, Emma, the six children from his first marriage, and his daughter Liddie and son Henry. A son, Herbert, and daughter, Inger, would be born later in 1901 and 1916 respectively.
On Monday, May 25, 1936, Mr. Phillip Warman, 82, prominent lifelong resident of Coloma, died at his home following a short illness. The late Mr. Warman was the victim of a stroke. Apparently in his usual good health, Mr. Warman was up early Monday morning and went to the field to work. He returned about 10 o'clock complaining that he felt ill. He died at 2:30 that afternoon. The late Mr. Warman had resided at the farms where he died for the past sixty years. He was survived by his widow, Emma, four sons, Rolley, Ernest, and Herbert all of Coloma and Henry, a well-known Benton Harbor garage man, two daughters, Mrs. (Lydia) Sykes of Hartford, Michigan, and Miss Inger Warman who was residing at home. Phillip was buried in the Coloma Cemetery with his first wife Margaret. [6]
1.2.1 Lydia Warman (Generation 3)
2 Emma Hinz: 1872 - 1942
+Phillip Warman: 1854 - 1936
3 Lydia S. Warman: May 1895 - 17 Dec 1948
+Carl Z. Sykes: 22 Feb 1876 - 1 Jan 1939
+Roy G. Leedy: 13 Oct 1890 - 24 Mar 1989
Born in May of 1895 in Coloma, Michigan, Lydia Warman was the eldest child of Phillip and Emma (Hinz) Warman. She appears in the 1900, 1910, and 1920 censuses living with her parents. In 1930, Lydia was living with her Brother Henry's family. Lydia married Carl Z. Sykes on July 1, 1931. They lived in Hartford, Michigan until Carl's sudden death on New Year's Day in 1939. Lydia then moved back to St. Joseph. In February of 1945 she broke her ankle while walking home from downtown. Lydia married Roy G. Leedy on December 27, 1945 in St. Joseph County, Indiana. After a year-long battle with cancer, Lydia died on Friday, December 17, 1948. Funeral services were held the following Monday at the Davidson Funeral Home with the Rev. Ralph Everroad of the First Congregational Church officiating. Pallbearers were Hubert Price, Neil James, Otto and Edward Schreiber, Maynard Teed, and Walter Reinhardt. Lydia was buried in Coloma Cemetery. [7]
Carl Z. Sykes – husband of Lydia Warman
Carl Z. Sykes was born in Keeler Township on February 22. 1876, the son of Pliny P. and Elmie Sykes, pioneer residents there. The greater part of his life was spent in Benton Harbor, where in 1904 he was married to Miss Matilda Davies of that city. The death of Matilda Sykes occurred in 1930.
Coming to Coloma from Benton Harbor, Carl Sykes was engaged in the automobile business for about five years, selling the Chrysler and Plymouth cars and International trucks at his West Main Street garage. Prior to engaging in the automobile trade Mr. Sykes had a varied business career. He was associated with several Benton Harbor enterprises, and also traveled for several years as a salesman for the wholesale departments at Marshall Field & Company and Carson Pirie Scott & Co., Chicago, and the Cooper-Wells Knitting Mills in St. Joseph. During his residence in Benton Harbor Mr. Sykes became a member of the Elks and the Masonic orders, as well as the Shrine.
On July 1 1931, Carl Sykes married Lydia S. Warman. During their residence in Hartford Mr. and Mrs. Sykes gained a wide circle of friends. Carl died on January 1, 1939. Mr. and Mrs. Sykes had entertained at a New Year's Eve dinner party at their apartment on Saturday evening. Their guests departed between 1:30 and 2 o'clock Sunday morning and Mr. and Mrs. Sykes then retired. The hearty repast is thought to have super-induced a fatal heart attack. He died in his sleep without a struggle or uttering a sound. Besides his wife, Lydia, he was survived by two daughters, Mrs. R. Freeman of Milan, Mo., and Mrs. Laverne Spaulding of Benton Harbor, and a brother, Claude Sykes of Benton Harbor. He also left a grandson, Robert Freeman.
Funeral rites were held at the Zuver & Calvin chapel at 3:30 Tuesday afternoon, the Rev. Wm. E. Goltz officiating, and interment was in the family plat in Keeler Cemetery. Casket bearers were M. C. Mortimer, Ralph Hubbard, J. C. Steinhilber, John Coller and Roy Hinckley, of Hartford, and C. M. Slayton of South Haven. [8]
Roy G. Leedy – second husband of Lydia Warman
Roy G. Leedy was born to Ira and Harriet (Ochampaugh) Leedy on October 13, 1890 in Millburg, Michigan. He had two sisters, Laura and Jennie. The Leedys moved from Millburg to Coloma when Roy was two years old. Roy was engaged in farming in his early life. He was drafted into the army on September 17, 1917 and served as a traffic controller in France and Belgium. On 03 May 1922 he married Mildred M. Hanson, but they divorced in 1938. They had no children. Roy married Lydia S. (Warman) Sykes on December 27, 1945 in St. Joseph County, Indiana. Lydia died from cancer less than three years later.
Roy Leedy was a charter and life member of the Coloma American Legion, Post 362, serving as post commander for several years. For over sixty years, Roy was in charge of the flag detail for the post, placing American flags on the graves of veterans at Coloma Cemetery. He was also responsible for placing flags on downtown Coloma streets for Memorial Day observances. As a World War I veteran, Roy was a life member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 1137 in Benton Harbor. During the war, he served as a military policeman for the U. S. Army. He was also a member of the North Berrien Historical Society. On August 8, 1987, at the Glad-Peach Festival, the Coloma Fire Department presented the inaugural Senior Citizen Community Award to Roy and to Mrs. Earl (Marian) Smith.
Roy died on Friday, March 24, 1989 at his home in Coloma. At the time of his death, he was ninety-eight and was recognized as the oldest World War I veteran in Coloma. He was also a member of the oldest pioneer family in the area. Funeral services were held at the Davidson Chapel in Coloma on the following Tuesday. Burial was with Lydia in Coloma Cemetery with full military rites conducted by the Coloma American Legion, the Veterans of Foreign Wars, and the Disabled American Veterans, Chapter 17, both from Benton Harbor. [9]
1.2.2 Henry F. Warman (Generation 3)
2 Emma Hinz: 1872 - 1942
+Phillip Warman: 1854 - 1936
3 Henry F. Warman: 8 Jun 1899 - 29 May 1961
+Johanna Kurzer: 14 Feb 1903 - 26 Apr 1989
4 Phyllis Marie Warman: Unknown
4 Phillip J. Warman: Unknown
4 Marsha Warman: Unknown
Henry F. Warman was the eldest son of Phillip and Emma (Hinz) Warman. He was born on June 8, 1899. He appears in the 1900 and 1910 censuses living with his parents. Henry was a graduate of Coloma High School and the Detroit School of Automotive Engineering. He entered the U. S. Navy in 1917, serving in both World Wars. On September 19, 1924, Henry married Johanna Kurzer in Chicago, Illinois. They had two daughters, Phyllis and Marsha, and a son, Phillip. While living in Berrien County, he was employed as the Parts Department Manager at Bartz Motor Co. Henry is mentioned as being a well-known garage man in his father's obituary in 1936. He is also listed as being in the U. S. Navy in his mother's obituary in 1942. Henry died on Monday, May 29, 1961 at the U. S. Naval Hospital in Chicago after a five-day illness. Funeral services were held the following Thursday at the De Vreindt Funeral Home in Chicago. He was buried in St. Boniface Cemetery in Cook County, Illinois on the following Thursday. [10]
Johanna Kurzer – wife of Henry Warman
Johanna Kurzer was born in Illinois on February 14, 1903 to Joseph and Johanna Kurzer. 1920 U. S. Census records indicate she had two brothers and two sisters, and that her parents were born in Germany and immigrated to the United States in the late 1800s. Johanna married Henry F. Warman on September 19, 1924. The 1940 U. S. Census shows Johanna and her three children living in Chicago with her parents while Henry was serving his country in the U. S. Navy. She died on April 26, 1989 and was buried with Henry in St. Boniface Cemetery. [11]
1.2.3 Herbert Phillip Warman (Generation 3)
2 Emma Hinz: 1872 - 1942
+Phillip Warman: 1854 - 1936
3 Herbert Phillip Warman: 24 Jun 1901 - 14 Jul 1967
+Hilda A. Gemps: 17 Nov 1902 - 18 Nov 1996
4 Herbert William Warman: 1941 - 1985
Herbert Phillip Warman was born on June 24, 1901 to Phillip and Emma Warman in Coloma, Michigan. Herbert married Hilda H. (Gemps) Leist in South Bend, Indiana on August 5, 1937. They had a son, Herbert William Warman.
Herbert died in Grace Hospital, Detroit on Friday, July 14, 1967. Funeral services were held at the Davidson Funeral Home in Coloma on Monday, July 17, 1967 with the Rev. H. E. Schuller, pastor of the Faith Lutheran Church of Coloma, officiating. Herbert Sr. was buried in North Shore Cemetery, Hagar Township, Berrien County, Michigan. Ernest Selmer, Walter Johnson, Paul Hingst, Elmer Aldred, Andrew Sipla and James Richcreek served as pallbearers. [12]
Hilda A. Gemps – wife of Herbert Phillip Warman
Hilda A. Gemps was born to Herman and Annie Gemps in Illinois on November 17, 1902. She married Ralph E. Leist in South Haven, Michigan on September 22, 1923 and they had a daughter, Vera, and a son, Richard. After Hilda's marriage to Ralph ended, she married Herbert Phillip Warman on August 5, 1937 in South Bend, Indiana. In addition to the two children from her previous marriage, Hilda raised a son, Herbert William Warman. Hilda died on November 19, 1996 in South Haven, Michigan the day after her 94th birthday. [13]
1.2.4 Inger A. Warman (Generation 3)
2 Emma Hinz: 1872 - 1942
+Phillip Warman: 1854 - 1936
3 Inger A. Warman: 7 Mar 1916 - 5 May 2011
+Lacurtis C. Richcreek: 10 Mar 1917 - 21 Jul 1988
4 James Edward Richcreek: Living
Inger A. Warman was born March 7, 1916 in Coloma to Phillip and Emma (Hinz) Warman. She graduated from Coloma High School in 1934 and attended college at Western Michigan University. On October 15, 1939 she married LaCurtis Richcreek and they had a son. Inger was employed as a receptionist by Dr. Edwin R. Irgens in the Fidelity Building in Benton Harbor from 1964 until she retired. She became a member of the Berrien County Medical Assistants Society in 1959, holding the office of Treasurer in 1971. Inger was also awarded the Medical Assistant of the Year Award by the society in 1971. After retirement, she volunteered for many years at Mercy Hospital. Inger was a people person. She enjoyed the time spent with her family, neighbors, and friends. She served as the family historian and genealogist, and always enjoyed a discussion about politics. Inger Richcreek, passed away on Thursday, May 5, 2011 at Lakeland Regional Medical Center, St. Joseph. She was buried with her husband in Riverview Cemetery. [14]
Lacurtis Richcreek – husband of Inger Warman
Lacurtis C. Richcreek was born on March 10, 1917 in Decatur, Michigan to Edward and Elizabeth Richcreek. He married Inger Warman on October 15, 1939. Lacurtis enlisted in the U. S. Army on March 10, 1943 in Kalamazoo, Michigan and later served in the Iwo Jima campaign. In 1980, LaCurtis retired as a foreman for the United Die Cast Company of Benton Harbor. He died on Thursday, July 21, 1988. Funeral services for LaCurtis were held on the following Saturday at Kerley & Starks Funeral Home in St. Joseph. He was buried in Riverview Cemetery. [15]
1.3 Theodor Friedrich Franz Hinz (Generation 2)
1 Fredrick August Hinz: 1844 - 1912
+Wilhelmine C. Burtzloff: 1850 - 1930
2 Frank Hinz: 1875 - 1879
Not much is known about Theodor Friedrich Franz Hinz. He was baptized in Lubben parish in 1875. His death record was recorded in Zettin in 1879. Franz (and his brother Emil) are listed in his mother's obituary in The Coloma Courier on April 4, 1930. It is likely he was buried somewhere near the current villages of Cetyn or Poberowo in what is now northern Poland. [16]
1.4 Gustave Hinz (Generation 2)
1 Fredrick August Hinz: 1844 - 1912
+Wilhelmine C. Burtzloff: 1850 - 1930
2 Gustave A. Hinz: 17 Dec 1877 - 27 Oct 1937
+Amelia A. Schadler: 14 Dec 1877 – 9 Dec 1954
3 Herbert E. Hintz: 1904 - 1973
3 Kenneth Carl Hintz: 1905 – 1989
3 Grace Hintz: 1906 - 2002
3 Mildred E. Hintz: 1907 - 1988
3 Milton Alexander Hintz: 1909 - 1940
3 Florence Hintz: 1917 - 2011
Gustave August Hinz was one of eleven children born to Fred and Wilhelmine Hinz. Born on December 17, 1877 in Germany, Gustave was four years old when the family crossed the Atlantic Ocean. Gustave was nineteen years old and still living at home when his brother Emil drowned in 1896. In early 1903 he contracted a severe case of typhoid fever, but he managed to survive the illness. He married Amelia Augusta Schadler in St. Joseph, Michigan on December 5, 1903. They lived in St. Joseph until about 1912 and had four of their five children there. Gustave's family was living in Niles, Michigan when his father died. They moved to Mishawaka, Indiana around 1913.
Gustave and Amelia raised six children while living in Mishawaka; Herbert, Kenneth, Grace, Mildred, Milton, and Florence. Their children were all born in St. Joseph, Michigan except their youngest daughter Florence, who was born in Mishawaka. It was in Mishawaka that this branch of the Hinz name was changed to Hintz. The popular family account of the change in spelling is that when Gustave's children began school they were asked their names and a phonetic attempt was made to spell the family name, thus introducing the 't' into 'Hinz' because of the hard German "z" at the end.
According to his marriage license, at the time of his wedding, Gustave worked for the railroad. For the last twenty-four years of his life, he worked as a laborer at the Dodge Manufacturing Corporation in Mishawaka. An undisclosed illness, lasting eight days, took his life at age 59 in 1937. He was buried in Fairview Cemetery in Mishawaka, Indiana. [17]
Amelia A. Schadler – wife of Gustav Hinz
Ludmila (Amelia) Augusta Schaedler was born on December 14, 1877 to Gottlieb and Wilhelmine (Thielmann) Schaedler in Olganowka, Volhynia. She was baptized in Olganowka on December 26, 1877. This area is now in the northwest corner of the Ukraine. Amelia's mother died when she was four years old. Her father, Gottlieb, remarried less than two years later to Wilhelmine Gersonde in Volhynia.
The Schaedler family left Bremen on July 13, 1893 aboard the S.S. Stuttgart. Their itinerary took them to the United States via the Port of Baltimore, where they landed on July 28, 1893. The Stuttgart's passenger list indicates that Gottlieb's destination was his brother-in-law's residence in Saint Joseph, Michigan. Amelia immigrated to the United States with her father, step-mother, two brothers, and several step-brothers and step-sisters. In transit, the family name was changed to Schadler. She married Gustav Hinz in 1903 and they raised six children. Amelia also assisted in raising four of her grandchildren when the wife of her son Kenneth died at an early age. Amelia died in Mishawaka on December 9, 1954 and was buried with Gustav and her youngest son Milton in Fairview Cemetery. [18]
1.4.1 Herbert E. Hintz (Generation 3)
2 Gustave Hinz: 1877 - 1937
+Amelia Schadler: 1877 – 1954
3 Herbert A. Hintz: 20 Jun 1904 - 28 Jun 1973
+Wilma Georgianna Shamo: 29 Sep 1906 – 27 Jul 1971
4 Carol Jean Hintz: 1940 – 1991
Herbert E. Hintz was the eldest son of Gustav and Amelia Hinz. Herb Hintz was born on June 20, 1904 in St. Joseph, Michigan. He married Wilma Shamo, on 17 May 1924 in St. Joseph. The 1940 U. S. Census lists Herbert and Wilma living in Mishawaka with newborn daughter Carol Jean. Herbert was a professional golfer, and was an instructor at the Eberhart-Petro municipal golf course in Mishawaka. He played in the Mishawaka City Golf Championship at least once. Herbert died on June 28, 1973 in the Stephens Nursing Home in Niles, Michigan. He was buried with his wife in Fairview Cemetery in Mishawaka. [19]
Wilma Georgianna Shamo – wife of Herbert Carl Hintz
Wilma Georgianna Shamo was born on September 29, 1906 in Indiana. After marrying Herbert Hintz in 1924, she had a daughter, Carole Jean, who was born in 1940. Wilma worked forty-seven years at the Uniroyal, Inc. facility in Mishawaka, retiring in 1969. She lived in Mishawaka and South Bend, Indiana with Herbert until her death on July 27, 1971. They are buried together in Fairview Cemetery in Mishawaka, Indiana. [20]
1.4.2 Kenneth Carl Hintz (Generation 3)
2 Gustave Hinz: 1877 - 1937
+Amelia Schadler: 1877 – 1954
3 Kenneth Carl Hintz: 31 Jul 1905 – 17 Feb 1989
+Florine Marie Accoe: 23 Feb 1905 – 26 Aug 1941
4 Rolland Kenneth Hintz: 1929 - 2019
4 Roger Irwin Hintz: 1930 - 2022
4 Shirley Mae Hintz: 1932 - 1932
4 Joanne Marie Hintz: 1934 - 1936
4 David Lee Hintz: Living
4 Amelia Sue Hintz: Living
+Anna W. Hay: 24 May 1903 – 24 Jun 1987
Kenneth Carl Hintz was born on July 31, 1905 in St. Joseph, Michigan. After the family moved to Mishawaka, Indiana (around 1912) he left school in the eighth grade (~1919) to help at home with expenses. Those growing up years were not easy but he did the right things that fit the times. In 1928 he married Florine Marie Accoe. Living in Mishawaka, Indiana they were blessed with six children. But life was not to be easy. Between the years of 1935 and 1941 Kenneth buried his father, a brother, and two daughters, along with saying good-by to his wife of thirteen years. As a young man of thirty-seven years he was now left to raise his three boys and daughter ranging in ages eleven, ten, four, and one year – eight months.
After receiving offers, from many relatives, to take certain ones of the four children into their homes, Kenneth decided that although they were a fractured family, they were still a family. They were to stay together. After a short time Kenneth’s mother (Amelia Schadler Hinz) came to take care of the family, because she knew her son "needed" her. This was not an easy decision for a widow aged 60 to make; especially after raising six children of her own. |
 Kenneth & Florine Hintz - South Bend, IN 1928 |
Kenneth worked for, and retired from, the Studebaker Corporation in South Bend, Indiana. He died on February 17, 1989 and was buried with his family in St. Joseph Catholic Cemetery in Mishawaka following funeral services held at St. Joseph's Catholic Church. [21]
Florine Marie Accoe – wife of Kenneth C. Hintz
Florine Marie Accoe was born on February 23, 1905 in Mishawaka, Indiana to Serafien and Marie (Bracke) Accoe. Her family had immigrated to the United States from Eeklo, Belgium only about one year before her birth. On August 28, 1928 she married Kenneth Carl Hintz at St. Stanislaus Kostka Church, in Terre Coupe, Indiana. They would have six children but two would not survive beyond a very early age.
Florine died abruptly on August 26, 1941 after a short illness, leaving a family of four small children. After funeral services at St. Joseph's Catholic Church she was buried in St. Joseph Catholic Cemetery in Mishawaka with her deceased daughters, Shirley and Joanne. [22]
Anna Wolowicz Hay – second wife of Kenneth C. Hintz
Anna Wolowicz Hay was the second wife of Kenneth Hintz. She was born in Warren, Massachusetts on May 24, 1903 to George and Regina Wolowicz, who had emigrated from Austria in the late 1890s. Anna had five brothers and two sisters. She spent most of her life in the Mishawaka, Indiana area. Anna worked for the Studebaker Corporation for several years. She married Kenneth Carl Hintz on November 20, 1956, Anna died in St. Paul's Health Care Center in South Bend, Indiana on Wednesday, June 24, 1987. Following a service at the Hahn De Vos Funeral Home in Mishawaka she was buried in St. Joseph Catholic Cemetery in Mishawaka. [23]
1.4.3 Grace Hintz (Generation 3)
2 Gustave Hinz: 1877 - 1937
+Amelia Schadler: 1877 – 1954
3 Grace Hintz: 30 Jul 1906 - 24 Sep 2002
+Theodore Roosevelt Zopf: 17 Nov 1904 - 12 Jan 1982
4 Charles Theodore Zopf: 1931 - 1956
Grace Hintz was born on July 31, 1912 in Saint Joseph, Michigan. She and Theodore Zopf were united in marriage on January 1, 1930. The 1940 U. S. Census lists them living in Mill Creek, La Porte County, Indiana with their one son, Charles Theodore Zopf and Ted's father, Edward. Tragedy struck in 1956 when their only son died after contracting Bulbar Polio. Charles left behind a wife and infant daughter. After Ted died in 1982, Grace spent time with her daughter-in-law and granddaughter in California. Grace died on September 24, 2002 in the Santa Cruz Health Center, Santa Cruz, California. She was buried with Ted in St. Joseph Valley Memorial Park in Granger, Indiana. [24]
Theodore Zopf – husband of Grace Hintz
Theodore “Ted” Roosevelt Zopf was born on November, 17, 1904 in Axtel, Kansas. Ted was the son of Edward "Pappy" and Edith Zopf of Dixon, Illinois. Ted married Mattie Vera Pittman in Tippecanoe, Indian on October 10, 1925, but the marriage didn't last long. He married Grace Hintz on January 1, 1930 in the parsonage of the First Presbyterian Church in Mishawaka, Indiana by Rev. Burnett. In 1974, he retired as the head maintenance man for New Prairie Schools. Ted was a DeMolay Dad and a member of the Terre Coupe Masonic Lodge. He was also a Worthy Patron of the Order of the Eastern Star of New Carlisle.
Ted died at the Desert Samaritan Hospital on Tuesday, January 12, 1982 while vacationing in Mesa, Arizona. After an Eastern Star service at the Orvis-Palmer Funeral Home on Friday, he was buried in St. Joseph Valley Memorial Park, Granger, Indiana. The Rev. Robert Heckaman, pastor of the Lydick United Methodist Church officiated at the funeral services. [25]
1.4.4 Mildred E. Hintz (Generation 3)
2 Gustave Hinz: 1877 - 1937
+Amelia Schadler: 1877 – 1954
3 Mildred E. Hintz: 7 May 1907 - 21 May 1988
+Robert L. Syester: 28 Jan 1897 – 2 Oct 1975
Mildred Hintz was born on May 7, 1907 in Saint Joseph, Michigan. She and Robert Syester were wed on December 16, 1933 in Mishawaka, Indiana. Mildred lived in Niles, Michigan for twenty-seven years. She was a member of the Messiah White Shrine 10 of South Bend and the Order of the Eastern Star in Niles.
Mildred died on May 21, 1998, having moved to Mishawaka to live with her sister Grace just three weeks before her death. After services at the Hollis-Palmer Funeral Home, officiated by the Rev. Dan Crosley, she was buried with Robert in St. Joseph Valley Memorial Park. [26]
Robert L. Syester – husband of Mildred E. Hintz
Robert Lawry Syester was born on January 28, 1897 in Terre Haute, Vigo County, Indiana to Hewell and Hester Syester. He is listed with his parents and a sister, Lola, and brother, Ira, in the 1900 U. S. Census. Robert's life, however, was not easy. Robert's mother died in May of 1903, and his father in March of 1904. Other records place him at the Clay County, Knightsville Orphanage in 1904 and at the Rose Orphan's Home in Terre Haute in the 1900's. The 1910 U.S. Census finds Robert living at the home of his aunt, Hulda Sigler. His sister, Lola, married Harry Crago in 1909, but no other records of his brother Ira have been located.
On November 27, 1919, Robert married Lucinda Derf in Mishawaka, Indiana. They appear in the 1920 U. S. Census living with her parents, Robert and Flora Derf. The 1930 U. S. Census lists Robert L. Syester as a roomer within a household in Peoria, Illinois, possibly working while away from the family as the depression took hold. Lucinda died in 1932 and was buried in Fairview Cemetery in Servia, Wabash County, Indiana. Robert then married Mildred Hintz on December 16, 1933. The couple appears in the 1940 U. S. Census in Mishawaka, Penn Township, Indiana with four daughters from Robert's marriage to Lucinda. Robert and Mildred later moved to Niles, Michigan. Robert was a member of the Order of the White Shrine of Jerusalem in Niles. He held several offices within the order throughout his later years.
Robert died on October 2, 1975 in Buchanan, Michigan and was buried in St. Joseph Valley Memorial Park, Granger, Indiana. [27]
1.4.5 Milton Alexander Hintz (Generation 3)
2 Gustave Hinz: 1877 - 1937
+Amelia Schadler: 1877 – 1954
3 Milton Alexander Hintz: 17 Oct 1909 - 14 Sep 1940
Milton Alexander Hintz was born on May 21, 1909 in Saint Joseph, Michigan. He attended Mishawaka High School and was a noted star athlete. Milton was living in Los Angeles, California when his father died in 1937. After returning to Mishawaka, Milton died on Saturday, September 14, 1940. He was buried with his parents in Fairview Cemetery in Mishawaka. [28] |
 Milton Hintz |
1.4.6 Florence M. Hintz (Generation 3)
2 Gustave Hinz: 1877 - 1937
+Amelia Schadler: 1877 – 1954
3 Florence M. Hintz: 10 Aug 1917 - 2 Mar 2011
+Hiram E. Stauffer: 8 Aug 1913 - 19 Aug 1997
4 Ronald Stauffer: Living
4 Susan Stauffer: Living
Florence M. Hintz was the youngest daughter of Gustave and Amelia. She was born on August 10, 1917 in Mishawaka, Indiana. On August 21, 1942 Florence enlisted in the Women's Army Corps of the U. S. Army in Indianapolis with the rank of Aviation Cadet. She served during World War II as an aerial photograph interpreter. While in the army, Florence met and married Hiram Eugene Stauffer and they had a son and a daughter. She and her husband were stationed in Great Britain when their son Ronald was born. Florence died on March 2, 2011 in Washougal, Washington and her remains were cremated. Her ashes were buried with Hiram's in the Quarryville Cemetery, in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. [29]
Hiram E. Stauffer – husband of Florence Hintz
Hiram Eugene Stauffer was born on August 8, 1913 in Dumore County, Pennsylvania. He married Florence Hintz. During World War II, Eugene was a Staff Sargeant stationed in Great Britain. He retired as a veteran after thirty years of service in the U. S. Army Air Corps (U. S. Air Force). Hiram died in Las Vegas, Nevada on August 19, 1997. Services were held in Pennsylvania with interment in the Quarryville Cemetery.[30]
1.5 Emil Hinz (Generation 2)
1 Fredrick August Hinz: 1844 - 1912
+Wilhelmine C. Burzlaff: 1850 - 1930
2 Emil Hinz: 1881 - 24 Oct 1896
Not much is known about Emil Hinz. He was born shortly before the Hinz family moved to America in 1881. He did not live a long life as he drowned in 1896, at the age of fifteen, in Michigan. Emil was buried in the St. Joseph City Cemetery near his parents and grandparents, John and Henrietta Burtzloff. Unfortunately, the Burtzloff's actual burial location within the cemetery is not fully documented, so Emil's location is also still to be determined. Another mystery persists as to why the Michigan Death Index lists Emil as having drowned in Detroit, Wayne County, Michigan, while family accounts have his death in the St. Joseph River near his home. [31]
1.6 Charles P. Hinz (Generation 2)
1 Fredrick August Hinz: 1844 - 1912
+Wilhelmine C. Burtzloff: 1850 - 1930
2 Charles P. Hinz: 27 Feb 1882 - 1 Jun 1978
+Carrie Mielke: 30 Oct 1882 - 8 Jul 1968
3 Arthur Charles Hinz: 1913 - 2005
Charles P. Hinz was born in St. Joseph, Michigan on February 27, 1882. He was the first member of the Hinz family to be a naturally born citizen of the United States. Charles married Carrie Mielke in 1912. His occupation according to the 1940 Polk City Directory was Meat Manager at Kroger's Supermarket. Charles died on June 1, 1978 and was buried in Riverview Cemetery in Saint Joseph, Michigan. [32] |
 Charles Hinz |
Carrie Mielke – wife of Charles P. Hinz
Carrie Mielke was born on October 30, 1882 into the family of Julius Mielke in St. Joseph. She was married to Charles Hinz on November 6, 1912.
Carrie Hinz was 85 when she died in her home on Monday, July 8, 1968 at 9:45 a.m. Besides her husband, Charles, surviving her were: a son, Arthur, of Detroit; two grandchildren and one great-grandchild; two sisters, Mrs. Emma Abbott of Benton Harbor and Mrs. Louise Allain of Hammond, La. Funeral services were held at 2 p.m. on the following Wednesday in the Kerlikowske funeral home. The Rev. Richard Selmer, pastor of St. Peters United Church of Christ officiated. Burial was in Riverview Cemetery. Casket bearers were Leland and Russell Hendrix, Theodore Schneider and LaCurtis Richcreek. [33]
1.6.1. Arthur Charles Hinz (Generation 3)
2 Charles P. Hinz: 1882 - 1978
+Carrie Mielke: 1882 - 1968
3 Arthur Charles Hinz: 28 Aug 1913 - 9 Jun 2005
+Ruth Eleanor Robinson: 1 Aug 1916 – 23 Feb 2018
4 David Alan Hinz: Living
4 Nancy Jean Hinz: Living
Arthur Charles Hinz was born on August 28, 1913 in St. Joseph, Michigan. Arthur attended Michigan State University. He met, and later married, Ruth Robinson while there. He later moved to, and lived in, the Detroit, Michigan area. Arthur retired as the Marketing Director from Ross Controls, an international manufacturer of pneumatic valves, controls systems, and safety products for the fluid power industry.
Arthur C. Hinz died on June 9, 2005 and was buried in Riverview Cemetery in St. Joseph, Michigan. [34]
Ruth E. Robinson – wife of Arthur Charles Hinz
Ruth Eleanor Robinson was born on August 1, 1916 in Boston, Massachusetts to George and Eva Robinson. She also had a brother named Richard. Her ancestors arrived from England in the Boston area in the 1600s and she had a grandmother who owned a piano store near Boston. |
 Arthur Hinz |
Ruth attended Simmons College in Boston but transferred to Michigan State University when her family moved to Detroit because of her father becoming involved with the automobile industry. While Ruth was attending Michigan State she met Arthur Charles Hinz. They were married in 1939, settled in Detroit, and had a son and a daughter. After being a homemaker for many years, Ruth went back to school to get her teaching license and subsequently taught third grade. Throughout Ruth’s teaching career the Hinz house-hold welcomed various dogs that her students were unable to keep for one reason or an-other.
Ruth moved from Rochester, Michigan, to Perry Farm Village in 2009 and enjoyed many wonderful friends there. She was the Perry Wii Bowling Queen and played a wick-ed hand of Euchre. Ruth was able to remain in her condominium until her passing. Ruth died on Friday, February 23, 2018 at the age of 101 years. She is survived by her son and daughter, and a grandson and granddaughter. [35]
1.7 Anna Hinz (Generation 2)
1 Fredrick August Hinz: 1844 - 1912
+Wilhelmine C. Burtzloff: 1850 - 1930
2 Anna H. Hinz: 29 Apr 1884 - Nov 1977
Anna H. Hinz was born on April 29, 1884 in Saint Joseph, Michigan. Anna never married. She lived with her mother, Minnie, after her father’s death in 1912. In fact, she lived in the house on Court Street her entire life. Anna was a noted member of the Zion Evangelical and Reformed Church in St. Joseph and a charter member of the Ladies Aid Society. According to several articles in the local newspapers, she was also very active in the community. She often hosted the Post Office Auxiliary at her home. Anna died in November of 1977 in the Park-Way Manor Nursing Home and was buried in Riverview Cemetery.[36]
1.7.1 Eleanor Hinz (Generation 3)
2 Anna H. Hinz: 1884 - 1977
3 Eleanor Hinz: 1914 - Unknown
The 1920 U.S. Census lists six-year-old Eleanor Hinz as living with Anna but Eleanor is not listed in the 1930 census. Eleanor may have been the daughter of Carrie Hinz, as there is an Eleanor Putnam listed as a step-daughter living with the Bingham family in the 1930 U.S. Census.[37]
1.8 Otto H. Hinz (Generation 2)
1 Fredrick August Hinz: 1844 - 1912
+Wilhelmine C. Burtzloff: 1850 - 1930
2 Otto Herman Hinz: 25 Aug 1886 - 27 Apr 1971
+Wilhelmina A. Hingst: 25 Feb 1886 - 7 Dec 1964
3 Edward F. Hinz: 1912 - 1970
3 Margaret A. Hinz: 1914 - 2002
Otto Herman Hinz was born on August 25, 1886 in Saint Joseph, Michigan. On July 2, 1910 he married Wilhelmina A. Hingst in his home in Saint Joseph. Otto was employed at Cooper, Wells & Company for twenty-five years before starting his own painting and decorating business. In the Polk 1940 City Directory for Benton Harbor/Saint Joseph, Otto was listed as a printer by trade. Otto and Minnie celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary on July 2, 1960 with an open house in their home on Pearl Street in St. Joseph. The party was hosted by their son and daughter.
Otto died on Tuesday, April 27, 1971 in St. Joseph Memorial Hospital. Funeral services were held on Friday in the Kerlikowske and Starks Funeral Home with the Rev. C. W. Runkel officiating. Otto was buried next to his wife in Riverview Cemetery in Saint Joseph. Casket bearers were; Ronald Schroeder, Harry Case, David Froehlich, and Robert, David, and John Hinz. [38]
Wilhelmina A. Hingst – wife of Otto Herman Hinz
Wilhelmina A. Hingst was born to Carl and Adeline Hingst in Pommern, Germany on February 25, 1886. She moved with her parents, three brothers, and younger sister to Berrien County in 1893 at the age of seven. She married Otto H. Hinz on July 2, 1910 in St. Joseph, Michigan. Minnie was a charter member of Zion Evangelical and Reformed Church and a member of the Women's Guild of the church.
Mrs. Otto Hinz, of 1119 Pearl Street, St. Joseph died at 11:30 a.m. Monday, December 7, 1964 in Campey's Convalescent Home, St. Joseph. She had been ill the past two years. Surviving her was her husband, Otto; a son, Edward of St. Joseph; a daughter, Mrs. Ervin (Margaret) Schroeder of Sodus; seven grandchildren; five great-grandchildren; a brother, Carl Hingst of Benton Harbor and a sister Mrs. Arnold (Ida) Schrage of St. Joseph. Funeral services were held at 2 p.m. in the Zion Evangelical Church with the Rev. Edwin A. Irion, pastor officiating. Burial took place in Riverview cemetery with casket bearers; Orville Schrage, Ronald Schroeder, Robert Hinz, David Hinz, and Paul Hingst. [39]
1.8.1 Edward F. Hinz (Generation 3)
2 Otto Herman Hinz: 1886 - 1971
+Wilhelmina A. Hingst: 1886 - 1964
3 Edward F. Hinz: 1 Nov 1912 - 21 Feb 1970
+Josephine Dorothy Kamber: 19 Aug 1917 - 20 Dec 1973
4 Robert E. Hinz: 1937 - 2020
4 David C. Hinz: 1940 - 2022
4 Edward Hinz, Jr.: Living
4 John C. Hinz: Living
Edward F. Hinz was born to Otto and Minnie Hinz on November 1, 1912 in Michigan. On June 1, 1935 he married Josephine Dorothy Kamber. They had four sons. Edward was employed by the Canteen Company of Southwestern Michigan. He was a member of the Brotherhood of the Zion Evangelical and Reformed Church. Edward died on February 21, 1970. His funeral services were held at the church on the Monday following his death with the Rev. C. W. Runkle officiating. Burial was in Riverview Cemetery. [40]
Josephine Dorothy Kamber – wife of Edward Hinz
Josephine Dorothy Kamber was born on August 19, 1917 in Michigan to Alex and Julia Kamber, immigrants from Yugoslavia. Josephine married Edward Hinz on June 1, 1935 in Berrien County and they had four sons. Josephine died on December 20, 1973 and was buried with Edward in Riverview Cemetery in St. Joseph. [41]
1.8.2 Margaret A. Hinz (Generation 3)
2 Otto Herman Hinz: 1886 - 1971
+Wilhelmina A. Hingst: 1886 - 1964
3 Margaret A. Hinz: 14 Dec 1914 - 29 Sep 2002
+Ervin A. Schroeder: 8 Mar 1909 - 11 Jun 1978
4 Norman E. Schroeder: 13 Apr 1936 - 2 Feb 1953
4 Ronald Schroeder: Living
4 Doris Schroeder: Living
4 Margaret Schroeder: Living
Margaret A. Hinz was born on December 14, 1914 to Otto and Minnie Hinz in St. Joseph. She graduated from St. Joseph High School in 1932. Margaret married Ervin A. Schroeder on June 1, 1935 and they had four children. She was a member of St. Paul's Lutheran Church in Sodus, where she sang in the church choir and was active in the Ladies Aid. An open house was help to mark Margret and Ervin's 40th anniversary. Margaret died early Sunday morning on September 29, 2002. Funeral services were held on October 2nd, at St. Paul's with the Reverend Robert Duehlmeyer officiating. Margaret was buried in Mount Pleasant Cemetery with Ervin and her eldest son, Norman, who had died in 1953. [42]
Ervin A. Schroeder – husband of Margaret Hinz
Ervin A. Schroeder was born on March 8, 1909 in Michigan to immigrant parents from Germany and Russia. Ervin married Margaret Hinz on June 1, 1935. The Schroeders had a farm in Sodus Township, Berrien County, Michigan. A fire in 1958 destroyed a tenant shack on the farm that was being used by two farm workers. Ervin died on June 11, 1978 and was buried in Mount Pleasant Cemetery in Sodus Township, Berrien County, Michigan. [43]
1.9 William A. Hinz (Generation 2)
1 Fredrick August Hinz: 1844 - 1912
+Wilhelmine C. Burtzloff: 1850 - 1930
2 William A. Hinz: 11 Dec 1887 - 09 Jul 1967
+Margaret Olson: 1883 - 21 Jul 1927
3 Frederick Hinz: 1916 - 1984
3 Margaret H. Hinz: 1918 – 2002
+Ethel B. Tompkins Hollinger: 6 Dec 1898 - 13 May 1942
William A. Hinz was born to Fred and Wilhelmina Hinz in St. Joseph, Michigan on December 11, 1887. He was a member of the Zion Evangelical and Reformed Church and the Brotherhood of the Church. On December 12, 1914 he married the former Margaret Mosely Olson Loeffler and they had a son and daughter. She preceded him in death on July 21, 1927. Ten years later, he married Ethel B. Hollinger. Ethel died on May 13, 1942. William retired after a long, and noted, career at the St. Joseph Post Office.
William died on Sunday, July 9, 1967 after suffering an apparent heart attack at his home. He was dead on arrival at Memorial hospital. Survivors included a daughter, Mrs. Albert (Margaret) Robandt of Park Ridge, Illinois; a son, Frederick (and Louise) of Seaside, Oregon; three grandchildren; two brothers Charles and Otto of St. Joseph; and a sister, Miss Anna Hinz of St. Joseph. Funeral services were held Tuesday at 2 p.m. in the Zion Evangelical Church in St. Joseph with the Rev. E. A. Irion, pastor, officiating. Burial and committal services, conducted by the St. Joseph Elks Lodge No. 541, followed in Riverview Cemetery. [44] |
 William A. Hinz |
Margaret Olson – wife of William A. Hinz
Margaret Mosely Olson was born in 1883 in Missouri. As a child, she was adopted by George and Julia Olson. According to the 1900 census, her adoptive father was born in Norway and her adoptive mother was from New York. On November 1, 1900 Margaret married Herman Loeffler. The 1910 census shows them having settled in Niles, Michigan and raising a family of three children; Charles G., Adeline M. and Herman A. Herman Sr., and Margaret divorced within the next couple of years and Margaret married William Hinz on December 12, 1914. She was the mother of Frederick and Margaret H. Hinz, born in 1916 and 1918 respectively. The 1920 census shows the Loeffler children living with George and Julia Olson, along with William and Margaret and the Hinz children, at the Olson's home in St. Joseph.
Margaret died on July 21, 1927. Margaret's funeral was held on July 23, 1927 and was widely attended. Miss Alice Freund sang "Asleep in Jesus" and Heaven is My Home" at the service. Casket bearers were William Rahn, Homer Banks, E. D. Lloyd, Fred Hinz, Herman Hinz, and Otto Krause. Margaret was buried in the mausoleum in City (Lakeview) Cemetery in St. Joseph, Michigan. [45]
Ethel B. Tompkins Hollinger – second wife of William A. Hinz
Ethel Berdine Tompkins was born in Ohio on December 6, 1898 to Frank and Minnie Tompkins. Ethel married Harry L. Hollinger and they had two sons. Harry Jr. died about a month after his birth while the couple was living in Ohio. In 1930 Harry and Ethel were living in La Porte, Indiana with their second son, Robert. Robert is also listed living with Ethel's parents in Ohio in 1930. After the marriage ended, Ethel wed William Hinz in 1937.
Ethel died suddenly on Wednesday, May 13, 1942 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Hinz while helping to care for her ailing sister-in-law, Bertha. A large crowd of friends and relatives attended the funeral services for Ethel at Zion Evangelical Church in St. Joseph on Thursday, and she was buried in the City Cemetery in Massillon, Ohio the following day. Her tombstone inscription reads 'Ethel B. Hintz'. Ethel's parents, Frank and Minnie, were buried next to her when they died in 1953 and 1956 respectively. [46]
1.9.1 Frederick W. Hinz (Generation 3)
2 William A. Hinz: 1887 - 1967
+Margaret Olson: 1888 - 1927
3 Frederick W. Hinz: 7 Feb 1916 - 18 Jan 1984
+Louise Caroline Jarr: 3 Oct 1899 – 14 Jan 1984
Frederick Hinz was born on February 7, 1916 in St. Joseph, Michigan. After attending school in Michigan, Fred moved to the west coast. On January 31, 1942, he married Louise Caroline Jarr in Vancouver, Washington. The couple moved to Seaside, Oregon where Fred was a truck driver for the Columbia Oil Company for thirty years before retiring in 1979. When Fred's father died in 1967, the obituary listed his residence as Seaside, Oregon. Fred was a member of the Knights of Pythias, a fraternal organization promoting values of overall goodwill towards men. He died on January 18, 1984 in Seaside, Oregon, just four days after the passing of his wife. [47]
Louise Caroline Jarr – wife of Frederick W. Hinz
Louise Caroline Jarr was born on October 3, 1899 in Wilton, Iowa to Louis and Freida F. (Stecher) Jarr. . She attended school on Blackfoot, Montana. Louise married Fred W. Hinz in Vancouver, Washington on January 31, 1942. After moving to Seaside, Oregon, she operated a local restaurant for several years and also worked at Phillips Candy Kitchen. Louise was a member of The Pythian Sisters, serving as Grand Chief of the Temple of Oregon for several years. A memorial service was held for the couple on the Saturday following their deaths at the Hughes-Ransom Mortuary in Seaside. [48]
1.9.2 Margaret H. Hinz (Generation 3)
2 William A. Hinz: 1887 - 1967
+Margaret Olson: 1888 - 1927
3 Margaret H. Hinz: 13 May 1918 – 27 Feb 2002
+Albert August Robandt: 27 May 1914 – 10 Jan 1992
4 Mary Robandt: living
4 Lucy Robandt: living
4 Alan Robandt: living
Margaret H. Hinz was born on May 13, 1918. After graduating from St. Joseph High School in 1935, Margaret attended, and graduated from, St. Mary's Hospital Training School for Nurses in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Becoming a Registered Nurse, she worked at the Ferguson-Droste-Ferguson Hospital, also in Grand Rapids. On Monday, May 13, 1940 Margaret married Albert August Robandt in the Park Congregational Church in Grand Rapids. The ceremony was led by the Rev. Ralph Holmes, a former resident of St. Joseph, Michigan. After living a few years in Grand Rapids, they spent most of their lives, and raised their family; two daughters, Mary and Lucy, and a son, Alan, in the Chicago, Illinois area. Margaret died on March 3, 2002 and her remains were cremated. [49]
Albert August Robandt – husband of Margaret H. Hinz
Albert August Robandt was born in Dortmund, Germany on May 27, 1914. He immigrated to the United States in 1923 and spent his childhood in St. Joseph, Michigan, graduating from St. Joseph High School. Albert also a graduated from the Fort Monmouth Academy in New Jersey. While working for the Gilman Fanfold Corporation in Grand Rapids, he married Margaret H. Hinz on May 13, 1940. He served in the Army Signal Corps and, during World War II, the Merchant Marines. Albert founded American Business Forms Inc., in 1945 and would serve as its corporate chairman. Albert died on January 13, 1992 in Park Ridge, Illinois. His remains were cremated. [50]
1.10 Carrie M. Hinz (Generation 2)
1 Fredrick August Hinz: 1844 - 1912
+Wilhelmine C. Burtzloff: 1850 - 1930
2 Carrie M. Hinz: 15 May 1890 - 29 Jun 1953
3 Eleanor Ruth Putnam: 1913 - 1986
+Frank C. Bingham: 21 Mar 1890 - 20 Oct 1952
Carrie M. Hinz was born on May 15, 1890 in St. Joseph. On December 28, 1919 she married Frank C. Bingham. Carrie died at 10:45 p.m. on Monday, June 29, 1953 in St. Joseph Memorial Hospital where she had been a patient for twenty-three days. Funeral services were held at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, July 1, 1953 at the Kerlikowske Funeral Chapel. The Rev. E. A. Irion of the Zion Evangelical Reformed Church officiated. Burial was in Spring Run Cemetery, Scottdale, Berrien County, Michigan. Casket bearers included John McCrory, Herman Schermer, Lester Zerbe, Edgar Zerbe, LaCurtis Richcreek, and Edward Hinz. Carrie was survived by two daughters, Mrs. Eleanor (William) Omweg, with whom she made her home, and Mrs. Neva Wheeler of Euclid Center; one son, Lloyd Bingham of St. Joseph; and six grandchildren. [51]
Frank C. Bingham – husband of Carrie M. Hinz
Frank C. Bingham was born in Allegan County on March 21, 1890 to Julius and Leah Bingham. He married Jennie R. Weed on July 30, 1910 and they had a son, Lloyd, and a daughter, Neva. Frank married Carrie M. Hinz on December 28, 1919 and later adopted her daughter, Eleanor. A resident of St. Joseph, Benton Harbor and surrounding community for forty years, Frank C. Bingham died at 12:02 a.m. on October 20, 1952 at Memorial Hospital, St. Joseph where he had been admitted on October 11. Mr. Bingham was 62 years old at the time of his passing. Before his illness he had been employed at the Kaywood Corporation and prior to that he had worked at the Truscott Boat Co. and the Whirlpool Corporation. For several years, he operated an excursion boat on Paw Paw Lake. He was a member of the National Association of Stationary Engineers.
Services were held on Wednesday, October 22, 1952 at 2 p.m. in Kerlikowske's chapel with Rev. E.A. Irion, pastor of Zion Evangelical Church of that city officiating. Burial was in Spring Run Cemetery at Scottdale. Mrs. Louise Kelly sang "Beyond the Sunset" and "In the Garden", Mrs. Mildred Johnson accompanied her at the organ. Casket bearers were Lester and Edgar Zerby, Edward Hinz, John McCreery, LaCurtis Richcreek and Albert Schermer. [52] |
 Carrie Hinz Bingham |
1.10.1 Eleanor Ruth (Putnam) Hinz-Bingham (Generation 3)
2 Carrie M. Hinz: 15 May 1890 - 29 Jun 1953
3 Eleanor Ruth (Putnam) Hinz-Bingham: 14 Aug 1913 - 14 Jun 1986
+William H. Omweg: 3 Oct 1911 - 19 Aug 1964
4 Carol Omweg: Living
+Theodore N. Schneider: 15 Feb 1905 - 22 Jan 1975
The 1930 U.S. Census lists sixteen-year-old Eleanor Putnam as living with Carrie and Frank Bingham as his step-daughter. At some point after this census, Frank must have adopted Eleanor because Eleanor Ruth Bingham married William Herbert Omweg on October 8, 1932 in La Porte, Indiana. Mr. and Mrs. Omweg lived in Benton Harbor, Michigan and had a daughter, Carol. After William died, Eleanor married Theodore N. Schneider and they continued to live in the St. Joseph area until his death in 1975. Eleanor R. Schneider died at her home in St. Joseph, Michigan on Saturday, June 14, 1986. Funeral services for Eleanor were held on the following Tuesday at Kerley & Starks Funeral Home and she was buried in North Shore Memory Gardens. [53]
William H. Omweg – husband of Eleanor Putnam-Hinz-Bingham
William Herbert Omweg was born in Watervliet, Michigan on October 3, 1913. He married Eleanor Ruth Bingham on October 8, 1932 in La Porte, Indiana. William was a veteran of World War II. The 1940 U. S. Census places him at Fort Clark in Kinney, Texas. After his service, he was employed as a screw machine operator at Benton Harbor Screw Company. William was credited in a June, 1949 newspaper article with saving his young daughter from drowning. William died in Memorial Hospital on August 19, 1964 after a three-month illness. Funeral services were held at the Kerlikowske, Starks & Beatty Funeral Home on the following Friday. The Rev. E. A. Irion, pastor of the Zion Evangelical and Reformed Church, officiated. William was buried in North Shore Cemetery in Hagar Township, Berrien County, Michigan. [54]
Theodore N. Schneider – second husband of Eleanor Putnam-Hinz-Bingham
Theodore N. Schneider was born on February 15, 1905. Theodore was employed by, and retired from, the Whirlpool Corporation. He married Eleanor Ruth Omweg (nee Bingham) in St. Joseph in the spring of 1966. Theodore died in St. Joseph Memorial Hospital on January 22, 1975. Funeral services were held at the Kerlikowske & Starks Funeral Home on the following Friday. He was buried in Calvary Cemetery, Berrien County, Michigan. [55]
1.11 Frederick William Hinz (Generation 2)
1 Fredrick August Hinz: 1844 - 1912
+Wilhelmine C. Burtzloff: 1850 - 1930
2 Frederick William Hinz: 1 Nov 1892 - 27 Aug 1960
+Florence Crow: 1897 - 29 May 1992
3 Frederick William Hinz, Jr.: 1919 - 1941
Fred William Hinz, 67, a real estate salesman for Moore and Associates, died Saturday, August 27, 1960 at 12:30 p.m. in the Veterans Administration Hospital in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Mr. Hinz, of 800 Court Street, St. Joseph, had been ill about six weeks. A life long resident of St. Joseph, he was born on November 1, 1892. He was a member of the St. Joseph Elks Lodge 541. During World War I, he was a corporal with the U. S. Army Engineers in France The 1940 Polk City Directory for Benton Harbor lists Fred as the manager of the local Pepsi-Cola Distributing Company.
At the time of his death, Fred was survived by his wife, the former Florence Crow. His only son, Fred "Buster" Hinz preceded him in death in 1941. Funeral services were held at the Kerlikowske Funeral Chapel in St. Joseph on Wednesday at 10:30 a.m. Pall bearers were Al Charleston, Harry T. Crow, P. R. Schilling, Victor Moore, LaCurtis Richcreek, and Edwin Lenenga. Burial was in Riverview Cemetery, St. Joseph. [56]
Florence Crow – wife of Frederick William Hinz
Florence Crow was born in 1897 to William and Ella (Gribben) Crow in Benton Harbor, Michigan. She had two older brothers, Vernon and Harry and an older sister, Hazel. Florence graduated from high school in May of 1914. She married Frederick Hinz on June 22, 1918 in Benton Harbor. Fred was a soldier and Florence was a stenographer at the time of their wedding. The 1940 Polk City Directory for Benton Harbor lists Florence as a stenographer for Peoples Savings Association. After the death of her father in 1937, she was named as the administrator of his estate in the probate hearings of September 1944. Florence had a successful business career, later becoming a licensed realtor.
After Fred died in 1960, Florence lived in Sarasota, Florida. She was married to John C. Beard in 1964 in England. John was English born and was the curator of Horne's Cars of Yesterday, an antique car museum near Sarasota, Florida. He was also a talented artist, having studied as a child under Claude Thornhill in England. John particularly liked painting seascapes with oil on canvass. Some of John's paintings were displayed at the St. Joseph Yacht Club, along with several galleries in south Florida throughout various times of his life. John and Florence lived in Sarasota and traveled extensively in Europe until Mr. Beard's death on July 6, 1978 in Sarasota. Florence buried her second husband in his native England. At some point after that, Florence moved back to Southwest Michigan. She died on May 29, 1992 in Bridgman, Michigan. It is believed her remains were cremated and buried in England with her second husband, John. [57]
1.11.1 Frederick William Hinz, Jr. (Generation 3)
2 Frederick William Hinz: 1892 - 1960
+Florence Crow: 1897 - 1992
3 Frederick William Hinz, Jr.: 18 Jan 1919 - 13 May 1941
Frederick William Hinz, Jr., also known as “Buster,” was born on January 18, 1919 in Battle Creek, Michigan. The 1940 Benton Harbor City Directory lists Fred, Jr. as the warehouse manager for Pepsi-Cola Distributing Company, but he was also a noted musician. Fred was also a member of the Naval Reserve. He died from pneumonia on May 13 1941 at the young age of twenty-two. For his funeral the composition “When the Day is Done” by Fred Hinz, Jr. was played as his family entered the church. Casket bearers were William Billion, Cecil Stearner, Kenneth Ball, Ray Hafer, Ed Hatch, and Harry Rimes, Jr. Burial was in the family plot in Riverview Cemetery, St. Joseph, Michigan. [58] |
 Fred Hinz, Jr. - Buster |
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NOTE - This compilation of family history is an ongoing endeavor. If you have verifiable corrections to any mistakes or omissions in my findings, or information you wish to share, please contact me at the email address provided below.
E-mail me at: roger [at] rogerhintz [dot] com
Copyright © 2011-2025 Roger I. Hintz. All rights reserved. |
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Most recent revision: Wednesday, January 01, 2025 12:01 AM EST.