What if the Denver and Rio Grande Railroad never merged with Southern Pacific? What if, in a proxy fight, the D&RGW actually took over SP and then forced a merger with the Union Pacific? This is the story of my model railroad. I have been modeling primarily in N Scale (1:160) since 1970 and am rebuilding a layout I put together in 1981 to this scenario. An article about my first layout was published in the
June 1982 issue of Model Railroader magazine (see "Ferroequinology at ICU - 1981 version" on page 96). The new layout models the Denver & Rio Grande's Moffat Line between Denver and Winter Park, Colorado. Benchwork, cork, and trackwork for the first, 10' X 3', oval-shaped mainline have been completed. I am still wiring that oval and the yard and adjacent reversing loop for the Moffat Road.
 | the un"Official" Denver & Rio Grande Western web site. |
 | The Ski Train - Moffat Line info from Denver to Winter Park. |
 | By nScalers, for nScalers. This site is a portal to provide N Scalers with a place to find quality information on all kinds of N Scale model railroading information. (I am known as 'RioLoco' on this site) |
 | Scanned cover of June 1982 Model Railroader Magazine with a link to the digitized article containing my first N Scale layout. |
 | Atlas Model Railroad Company - Locomotives and rolling stock: One of the pioneers in quality N Scale trains. I started in N Scale with an Atlas train set almost 50 years ago (...and the E8 engine still runs!!!). |
 | Benchmark Models - Brass model importer: Supplied superbly handcrafted brass models imported for the Serious "N" Scale Modeler. |
 | Micro Engineering - Flex track and turnouts - After many years of using Atlas track and turnouts, I wanted to try something that was of better quality. This is what was recommended at my local N Scale shop by one of the owners. Because of some of my older engines, I am using their code 70 track products. |
 | Micro-Trains - Rolling stock and couplers: Formerly known as Kadee Micro-Trains. This is the top quality mass manufacturer of highly detailed N scale rolling stock and locomotives. |